Wednesday, December 26, 2018

A right understanding of God's law...

"The biblical idea of God's law is that of a friendly authoritative instruction from our Creator, such as a wise father gives his children. That is what "Torah" means.God's law is his kindly Word  to us as our Creator Who cares for us and wants to lead us into rewarding paths. To be sure, disobedience to God's law must and will bring retribution, but the law was given not to primarily threaten us, but rather to guide us into what is good for us. If God's law becomes a threat to us that is because of our own negative and defiant attitude to it, just as civil laws protecting property, which are beneficial in themselves, become a threat to anyone who decides to become a burglar.
 For the righteousness that he requires fits our very human nature as our shoes fit our feet."

J.I. Packer
Former Professor of Historical and Systematic theology at Regent College Vancouver B.C.

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