Saturday, January 23, 2016

Politics and the Christian

I recently read an essay by Dr. Al Mohler titled Christian faith and Politics. The following is a summary that I wrote for my own notes. We have our feet in two worlds, like it or not, by God's design.

St. Augustine, the great Theologian and bishop of the early church, wrote a classic, called "The City of God".
To summarize this classic briefly,the great theologian asserted that man is confronted with two cities. One is The City of God, and the other is the City of Man.
The City of God Is everlasting, and has as its only concern the glory of God. All energy, activity, everything is for and to the glory of God. The City of man is temporal, and man, self, not God, is the primary concern. She is led by her passions, and obedience to God is not on the agenda.

The challenge for the Christian is that he is in the world, but not of the world. He is called to love God, and neighbor. The challenge is that our hearts are ruled by the love of God, moving us to engage our neighbor, with the hope of introducing them into the City of God.

If we are to engage our neighbor with the love of God, we must proclaim the truth, and the grace of God.
We are responsible to be salt and light while we live in the City of Man, and this requires involvement, voting, debating, dialogue, in order to represent ourselves as ambassadors of the City of God. We are placed by God to be His reconcilers, His voice to the soon terminating City of Man.

Let us remember that it is the preaching of the gospel alone that will deliver men from the dying City of Man to the Everlasting City of God. We must engage our culture, and we must, for the glory of God, and the love of our neighbor, preach the gospel.

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