Monday, March 18, 2013

The great confidence and assurance of the Christian is that, unlike all other religions in the world, we believe that God visited the earth in person! Muslims do not claim this. Hindus, Buddhist, Jews who are waiting for their Messiah make no such claim. We believe that God came to earth in the person of Jesus Christ! Think about this for a moment. Is this really so far fetched? Does God exist? Well, if your answer to this is "yes", then of course nothing can be far fetched. It is reasonable that God, Who made us in His own image and likeness, and Who has given us, unlike all the other creatures, an ability to think and reason, and comprehend things, should make Himself known to us personally. We as Christians claim nothing less than this wonderful truth that God has revealed Himself to us. In John 1:1 the Scripture tells us that "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and THE WORD WAS GOD". And then we read in John 1:"14 "And the Word became flesh, and made His dwelling among us." So then, a very clear claim that Christians make and hold dearly. Jesus Christ is God. There are many implications to this truth, but surely, if Jesus Christ came to earth as God in flesh appearing, then His word and words, His actions, His promises, His warnings, His teachings, and most importantly His very own claims about His life, His purpose, His death, His resurrection, His followers, the church, HAVE FULL AUTHORITY! "All authority in heaven and on earth have been given to Me." Meditate on this O Christian. Jesus, God the Son, has come, has lived, has spoken, has taught, has died, has been raised from the dead bodily! Do you believe this? Then read about Him, get to know Him, and most importantly of all, listen to Him, trust Him, obey Him. Do not argue with Him, for then you only find yourself arguing against God, a guarantee that you will lose this argument. Oh how sweet to have God as your Friend, Savior, and Master. Oh how terrible to refuse God as your Friend, Savior, and Master, and to only have Him as your Judge.

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